基督教領導力碩士Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL)
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
基督教領導力碩士Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL)
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
In light of the rise of China, Chinese church as part of the church has the historical mission to face the challenges of the changing world. The program is designed according to the PhD level scholarship to meet the need of witnessing the gospel by raising seminary teachers and Christian workers with research abilities to provide biblical-sound perspectives and feasible solutions for the church.
To cultivate Christian leadership with abilities to conduct research and provide creative insights to the need of the times through advanced theological education in the fields of New Testament studies, Old Testament studies, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, and Philosophical Theology.
- Graduate from ThM (or its equivalent) of a school recognized by GETS with GPA 3.3 (B+) or above.
- Proficiency in Chinese and reading comprehension of English
- Research ability and reading comprehension in biblical languages
- Five-years of ministerial or theological teaching experience
- Demonstration of ability of research and theological reflection via journal article publication within 2 years (or publishable article of equivalent quality)
- Mature Christian character
- GETS does not offer or accept any Ability-to-benefit Exam.
- Completed application form
- Copy of transcripts and diplomas of highest education received in
- university and
- theological school
- Submit
- a copy of ThM thesis (pdf) and
- a published journal article within two years (or a freshly composed research article of equivalent quality) to demonstrate research ability
- Proof of English language ability (iBT 90). This can be waived for graduates from English speaking programs.
- 2 reference letters. One of them must be from the former ThM thesis supervisor.
- A tentative plan of research to show intended direction and the value of expected results.
- Personal testimony, including
- conversion and calling to ministry,
- family and ministry situation, and
- observations and projected development about the Chinese Church and their relevance to the research project
- Applicant will be notified once approved by the Admissions committee. If needed, an interview will be arranged.
- Application fee of ¥300
- ¥800 per credit unit. For a course of 3 credit units, it will be ¥2,400 per course.
- Upper level directed studies will be 4 credit units. As such, it will be ¥3,200 per course.
- Living expenses during academic activities are student’s responsibility.
- Student is responsible to host if the teacher is asked to come to do guided study.
- Extension is required after the 5th year of initial admission. The annual fee is equivalent to 4 credits.
- Student with financial difficulty may apply for assistance (subject to availability of funds)
After formal admission, a supervisory committee (the committee from here on) will be formed and a thesis supervisor will be assigned to the student.
- Preliminary language courses (2 courses, 3 credits each)
Besides Chinese, English and the biblical language requirements during the admission, the student may need to acquire additional language relevant to the research project. This will be recommended by the supervisor and agreed by the committee. If already taken prior to admission, a challenge examination may be requested to prove the ability.
Modern languages: German or French
Ancient languages: Latin, Aramaic (or other Ancient Near Eastern languages)
- Lower level courses/seminars (conducted with ThM) (2 courses, 3 credits each)
PhD Methodology is a compulsory course. However, the student may appeal in writing to the committee to waive this course if the student has already taken similar course at ThM level and has proven research ability through the ThM thesis and the published journal article during the admission. If the appeal is accepted, the student may take another lower level course in its place. As we emphasize the relevance of the Chinese cultural context, students are to consider taking a course on Christianity and Chinese culture offered by the research center at GETS. Also, ThM graduate from GETS may use the “preliminary thesis proposal presentation” (see below) to substitute for one of the two lower level courses to avoid possible repetition of retaking the former ThM course content. Usually, the lower level courses/seminars are conducted together with the ThM class, except that the assignment must fulfill PhD level requirement. Each lower level course/seminar is worth 3 credits.
- Upper level directed study courses (4 courses, 4 credits each)
The 4 directed study courses are 4 credits each. The purpose is to prepare the student for the research project. Each course will include (1) 2,000 pages of reading, (2) 13 times of one hour meeting for discussion that may be conducted via the internet, (3) submission of a 5,000 word (10,000 character) essay.
The passing grade of any course in PhD program is B, and student may retake the same course once or take a similar course to replace the one failed. If the student fails 2 or more courses, the school will request withdrawal from the program. In some situations, the committee may ask the student to do make up work.
- Preliminary thesis proposal presentation (non-credit)
Prior to the comprehensive examination, the student has a chance to present the preliminary thesis proposal. The purpose is to help the student to clarify research direction and prepare for the thesis proposal. There will be a 20-30 min. oral presentation, together with submission of a 5,000 word (10,000 character) essay. Although this activity is non-credit, it will be part of the student’s record. (ThM graduate from GETS may choose to have the essay marked by the thesis supervisor as PASS or FAIL, in order to fulfill the requirement of taking one of the two lower level courses.)
- Comprehensive examination (non-credit)
Comprehensive examination is taken after the completion of courses. There are the general paper and the paper of specialized area of 4 hours each to be taken in 2 separate days. The paper in the first day will cover the general areas of biblical and theological studies; the paper in the second day will cover the specialized area of the intended thesis research. The evaluation will be either PASS or FAIL.
- Thesis proposal (non-credit)
The thesis proposal will be presented to the committee and candidacy granted if accepted. After that, the student may then start thesis writing and submit progress report regularly to the supervisor.
- Thesis (6 credits)
The thesis (6 credits) must be original. It must be 60,000-75,000 word (120,000-150,000 character) long, and with literature review at international level. The committee will arrange an external reader to read the thesis who may also join the committee in the thesis oral defense. The thesis needs to be successfully defended and accepted by this committee. There are 3 possible situations for the submitted thesis and oral defense: (1) pass, (2) pass on condition of minor revision, (3) fail. For the first two cases, a final version will have to be submitted and accepted by the committee.
From the initial date of admission, the program is expected to be completed in 5 years. In case of need for extension, it should not be more than 8 years.
- Practicum and public presentations
- Teaching practicum: In order to improve teaching experience, the student after candidacy granted will teach one course in the related field of his/her research area at MACS level. After discussing with the supervisor about the teaching experience and deemed acceptable, the student will submit a written report to the school.
- Seminar participation: In order to promote dialogue, the candidate will participate in at least 2 times of public (or semi-public) seminar and present an essay of his/her research in one of them.
- Publication encouraged: Although it is not a requirement for graduation, the student is encouraged to publish research essays in learned journals. This is to promote experience in academic writing and theological dialogue within the living cultural context. Any such publication will be noted in the student record.
- Christian character and growth reports
The school pays attention to both academics and spiritual life of the student. Therefore, prior to graduation, the school needs to confirm that the student’s life meets the quality of Christian witness. This confirmation is composed of 3 reports: (1) report from the supervisor, (2) recommendation from the church or ministry the student is a member, (3) report of self-evaluation. These reports must be accepted by the committee before graduation.
- Preliminary Language Courses (6 units)
- Lower-Level Courses (6 units)
- Upper-Level Courses (16 units)
- Preliminary Thesis Proposal Presentation (0 units)
- Comprehensive Examination (0 units)
- Thesis Proposal (0 units)
- PhD Thesis (6 units)
- Practicum and Presentation
- Character and Growth Reports
- Complete and meet the requirements of language courses, all levels of studies, and seminars.
- Complete dissertation and pass the dissertation defense.
- Complete practicum and presentation requirements.
- Submit a final character and growth report.
- Students are required to complete 34 semester unis of course work with a passing grade above B (GPA 3.0 and above).
- Pass the graduation dissertation.
- Complete all required procedures for graduation and pay off all outstanding tuition and other fees, including the Graduation Fee of ¥400. (Students will pay for the purchase of doctoral regalia from the gown contractor designated by GETS; purchase can be made by the student or through GETS).
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
Despite the global presence of Chinese churches, theological education resources in Chinese continue to be scarce in many regions that makes it difficult for local pastoral staff to pursue advanced theological training. In response to this need, GETS will offer DMin degree program in these regions in creative and flexible course formats to advance local pastors’ theological education so that these pastors can better serve their churches and communities with renewed spirituality and theology.
Graduates from this program are expected to achieve the following:
- To form well-shaped spiritual life and characters.
- To fully grasp advanced knowledge of theological studies with integral concepts of ministry skill.
- To meet the needs of today's multicultural churches, exert leadership, establish a strong pastoral system, and effectively participate in the development of God’s kingdom.
1. Master of Divinity degree from an accredited institution with a GPA of 3.3 (B+ or 86.5%) or above. Those with Master of Arts in Christian Studies or related degrees will need to take 30 semester credit hours master level courses including two courses of Greek and two courses of Hebrew. The rest of the make-up courses can be substituted by 3 DMin courses from GETS, and if necessary, they can be conducted as independent studies. Independent studies taken from local seminaries must receive approval from GETS in advance.
2. At least 4 years’ experience in full-time ministry with good standing after receiving the MDiv degree. Applicants who have two years’ experience in full-time ministry before entering MDiv degree program, needs one year’s experience in full-time ministry after receiving MDiv.
3. Two copies of letter of recommendation sent directly from two separate references
• Leaders of the church network, or church leaders from other churches for independent church leaders
• Teachers of the seminary issuing the applicant’s MDiv diploma
• Supervisors or peer colleagues
• Elders or deacons of the applicant’s church
4. Proof of English proficiency: 540/72 (TOEFL iBT). Applicants with a bachelors or higher degree from an English institution are exempt from this requirement.
5. The tentative study plan including:
• Testimony of calling to full-time services
• A copy of ministry principles and service testimonies with examples of spiritual growth and ministry skills improvement, reflections on successes and failures, self-evaluation on strengths and weaknesses, and reasons for job relocation if applicable
• Brief description of research themes and their potential contribution
6. Proof of Chinese proficiency for non-native Chinese applicants: fluent in written and spoken Chinese language to meet the requirements of serving in Chinese churches and communities
7. Passing interview with the admission committee.
8. GETS does not offer or accept any Ability-to-benefit Exam.
- Completed admission application form, including the following:
- Completed application form
- Copies of graduation certificate/diploma for post-high school education; and copies of seminary graduation certificate/diploma
- One 2.5-inch photo taken within 3 months
- A tentative study plan
- Official transcripts from the schools listed in b.
- Two recommendation letters sent directly from two separate references
- After receiving the complete set of application materials, the school will review and inform qualified candidates for interview. The Admission Committee will provide the information about the location and format of the interview
- Application fee: ¥300
- Tuition: ¥800 per Credit Hour, and ¥1,000 per Credit Hour for independent studies, fully paid at registration. The tuition fee for the DMin program of 39 Credit Hours will be around ¥31,200.
- Transportation, and Room and Board: GETS will arrange locations for courses. Students will pay for room and board (about ¥500 to ¥1,000) and transportation to location. If GETS lodging facility is to be used, students will pay for lodging per room rate set by GETS, and students will be responsible for their meals.
- D. Min Candidacy Assessment Fee (TS801N): ¥1,200 (Only for those become candidate)
- Closing or graduating fee: ¥400
- Fees for extension (TS809N for the first time, TS810N for the second time): ¥2,400 per year, only applicable for those who have exceeded the 5-year limit
- Outstanding students with financial needs may apply for scholarship. Please follow the school’s scholarship policy and procedures.
The required courses of 30 units can be completed between 3 to 4 years. Evaluation of DMin Candidacy and dissertation can be completed in 2 years. As such, the program, including the graduation dissertation, should be completed within 5 years. Students may submit up to 2 petitions to extend the duration for graduation, with each petition extending the duration for one year, with the duration at a maximum of seven years. The fee for each petition is at the cost of 3 Credit Hours (¥2,400). In general, if a student has 4 full months of full-time study per year, the student should be able to finish all course requirements and the dissertation in 5 years. The completion of the dissertation with full-time effort, will typically take about one and a half years.
*Note: In addition to General Pastoral Studies, students can choose one of the following majors: Leadership, Mission, Preaching, Pastoral Counseling, and Spiritual Formation and Growth. Except the General Pastoral Studies, all other majors must choose at least two courses that are related to that field.
- Required Courses (12 units)
- Church Ministry and Leadership (18 units)
- Evaluation (0 units)
- Dissertation Proposal (3 units)
- Dissertation (6 units)
- Pre-course reading assignment, including an 800-1,200 page reading report, to be completed and submitted by the first lesson of the course, with the report focusing on teaching on church ministry and the ministry of the course subject.
- Final report to be completed and submitted within 2 months of the completion of the course, with the report focusing on applying the teaching in pastoral ministry.
- The grade is based on evaluations of pre-course reading assignments, class-work assignments and course participation throughout the course, and post-course study report.
- Students with course grade B- or above will receive the Credit Hours for the course. Students with a grade below B- will be allowed, one-time, to redo the course assignments, and will receive grade B- if the revised grade is at B- or above, but with the original grade if the revised grade is still below B-.
- All courses are at 3 Credit Hours each, except 6 Credit Hours for the Dissertation. The teaching hours for all courses are at 40 for each course. If needed, after class teaching and instruction can be arranged by course instructors.
- Courses will be conducted in both seminar and lecture. Among the 40 teaching hours for each course, seminar will occupy fewer than 20 hours, and the rest will be for lectures.
- If needed, GETS can assign Independent Study Progress Course for individual students. The course includes meetings with the supervising instructor to guide the student to complete the course.
- All course schedules are set by GETS. Two courses are taught through online, four courses are taught through web-meeting, and the remaining courses are physical face-to-face courses arranged by the school.
When a student completes 30 Credit Hours of the DMin program, the student must register for TS801N within a month for a full assessment of the student, and pay the assessment fee of ¥2,400. The purpose is to determine if the student is competent to proceed with the Dissertation Phase as a DMin Candidate. The assessment will include the following:
- The grade for each of the completed courses requires a passing grade of B- or above, with the Grade Point Average (GPA) at B (3.0) or above.
- Assessment on Spiritual Life, Ministry, and Leadership: The student will submit a 10-page self-evaluation report (about 5,000 words) on strengths and weaknesses in personal spiritual life and ministry; and how the learning in the DMin program helps the student’s spiritual life, ministry, and leadership.
- Pass the assessment by the DMin Program Review Committee through personal interview.
If the student is approved by the DMin Program Review Committee as a DMin Candidate based on the above assessment, the student will become a DMin Candidate. If the student is not approved as a DMin Candidate, the DMin study of the student will end with GETS issuing a DMin Course Completion Certificate after paying the closing fee of ¥400. If a DMin Candidate cannot complete the dissertation within 7 years from the start of the DMin program, the DMin study of the student will end with GETS issuing a DMin Course Completion Certificate after paying the closing fee of ¥400.
Dissertation Proposal Writing (3 credit hours)
Upon approval as a DMin Candidate, the candidate will immediately register for the course of Dissertation Proposal (TS802N-Dissertation Proposal Writing) and pay the tuition fee of ¥2,400 for the course. No member of the candidate Dissertation Committee will not be assigned for the candidate if tuition fee is not yet paid.
The requirements of the Dissertation Proposal, including the length of the proposal, are set by the chairperson of the Dissertation Committee. The submitted proposal will be first approved by the chairperson of the Dissertation Committee, and then approved by the DMin Program Review Committee, before the student will proceed with DMin Dissertation.
DMin Dissertation (6 credit hours)
Upon approval of the Dissertation Proposal by the DMin Director, the candidate will register for the Dissertation course (TS804N-Dissertation) with a fee of ¥2,400 for 3 Credit Hours. The course is effective for 1 year. Students are encourage to complete the dissertation as soon as possible to meet the 5-year rule.
Requirements for Dissertation: The Dissertation for the Doctor of Ministry program corresponds to 6 Credit Hours (TS804N-Dissertation and TS805N-Dissertation Defense) and is directed by two assigned Dissertation Committee members for the candidate, a chairperson and a second reader. The body of the dissertation typically requires about 80,000 words (and about 200 pages, with the list of references and remarks not counted). The dissertation should be more on applicational direction and use, but at the doctoral level.
With acceptance by the candidate Dissertation Committee, the student may register for TS805N-Dissertation Defense and pay the tuition of ¥2,400. The course is effective for 1 semester. After registration, the student submits “Dissertation Review Application Form” with signatures from Dissertation Committee members, and the dissertation for evaluation. The GETS Doctoral Graduation Review Committee will review the dissertation and request revision if the dissertation does not pass the evaluation. After passing the review, the school will arrange oral defense for the student.
- Students are required to complete 39 semester Credit Hours which include course work and a graduate dissertation. In order to graduate, each course requires a passing grade of B- or above, with the Grade Point Average (GPA) at B (3.0) or above. All the courses related to candidacy and dissertation (TS801N-810N) are pass/fail without any grade.
- Pass the evaluation of DMin Program Assessment, and the approval of dissertation proposal. Submit and pass the oral examination of presenting the dissertation to the GETS Doctoral Graduation Review Committee.
- Complete all required procedures for graduation and pay off all outstanding tuition and other fees, including the Graduation Fee of ¥400. (Students will pay for the purchase of doctoral regalia from the gown contractor designated by GETS; purchase can be made by the student or through GETS).
- With all of the above requirements met, the student will graduate, with the award of Doctor of Ministry Degree.
- Students are expected to complete the program (including dissertation and defense) in 5 years. Students may request for extension twice, one year each time, if they are unable to finish with the time limit. The course number for extension is TS809N for the first year, and TS810N for the second year, each one a 3-credit-hour course of tuition fee ¥2,400. Students must complete the program in 7 years.
- Students are expected to study full-time at least 4 months each year in order to complete the program requirements (including all the courses and dissertation) in 5 years.
- Based on full-time study (8 hours per day), it takes about one and a half years to finish dissertation proposal and dissertation writing.
Master of Theology (ThM)
The Master of Theology program is designed to prepare students for an advanced theology study, to strength their research ability and prepare them for theological education. For students who want to pursue higher level of theological and practical studies programs, this is the degree requirement for admission to Doctor of Philosophy programs.
Graduates from this program are expected to achieve the following:
- To form well-shaped spiritual life and character.
- To fully grasp advanced knowledge of biblical, theological, and church history studies with integral concept of ministry skills.
- To acquire and develop ability of engaging in advanced theological research to become theological educators for Chinese churches in Asia and Europe.
- Master of Divinity degree from an accredited institution with a GPA of 3.3 (B+ or 86.5%) or above
- Proven language capabilities related to the field of research, such as Greek and Hebrew
1. A copy of completed application form
2. A copy of the diploma and a copy of the transcript of highest degree obtained
3. An essay (30 pages maximum) as a proof of theological research ability
4. Proof of English proficiency: 540/72 (TOFEL iBT). Applicants with a bachelors or higher degree from an English institution are exempt from this requirement.
5. Two copies of letter of recommendation sent directly from two separate references, one must be from a teacher of master-degree courses
6. A tentative study plan describing the applicant’s research foci and points of interests, and potential contribution
7. A copy of testimony of the applicant’s conversion and calling to full-time ministry: page 1, the process of conversion and calling, page 2, a brief description of the applicant’s family and current ministry, and page 3, the applicant’s observation of Chinese church today, and future development of Chinese church
8. Passing the evaluation of the ThM and PhD committee
9. Payment of application fee (¥300) by the first class
- Complete the following forms and send as PDF files to the email address provided.
- Application for and an e-file of the applicant’s photo taken within 3 months
- A copy of the applicant’s bachelors’ degree (or higher) diploma and the degree’s official transcript
- A copy of the applicant’s MDiv diploma and the degree’s official transcript
- The tentative study plan as described in item 6 above
- Proof of English proficiency
- A copy of the applicant’s testimony as described in item 7 above
- Two recommendation letters sent directly from two separate references.
- After receiving the complete set of application materials, the school will review and inform qualified candidates for interview.
- The Admission Committee will provide the information about the location and format of the interview.
- ¥800 per unit, which equals to ¥2,400 per e-unit course
- Students will be responsible for trip fees to attend classes, such as transportation, room and board.
- Required Courses (15 units)
- Advanced Courses (9 units)
- Dissertation Proposal (0 units)
- Dissertation (6 units)
- Students will take 30 semester-units in total. The maximum number of transferred units from other seminaries recognized by GETS is 6.
- Course Format:
- Each of the required courses is a 3-semester-unit course offered in intensive format with lectures and post-course tutoring totaling 40 hours in one week.
- Format:
- Seminar and/or lecture
- Individual tutorial through various methods including face-to-face meetings
- Required courses (15 units in total) aim for building students’ holistic conceptual structure and enlarging their width and depth in biblical and theological studies to lay a solid foundation for their capability to engage in independent study.
- Advanced courses (9 units in total):
- Students will submit a research paper related to the course contents after taking each course. The paper must include reasons for the choosing the topic, bibliography, research methods. The passing grade is B. Those who fail to obtain the B grade will have one more chance to resubmit the paper and must obtain the B grade in order to continue the study in ThM.
- After completing 8 courses including the required and the advanced courses, students’ performances will be evaluated to determine if they can continue into dissertation writing. If a student found to be incapable to complete a dissertation, the school will issue a “Certificate of ThM Study” to indicate the closure of the student’s study in the ThM program. Those who pass the evaluation and enter into the stage of dissertation writing but fail to complete the dissertation will go through the same process to terminate their studies in the ThM program.
- Students are expected to complete the program (including dissertation) in 4 years. However, if they need extra time to finish, they can apply for extension, one year each time for two times.
- Students need to dedicate at least 4 to 6 months in a year to full-time study in order to enter into the stage of dissertation writing.
- It is commonly observed that dissertation writing requires full-time dedication, that is, 8 hours per day to finish within a year.
- The school will help students to form study cohort so that their learning is not limited to the time when classes are in session. This will enable them to study outside class sessions to further their study efficacy through the establishment of such community.
- Upon admission, students will need to determine the research area and choose the primary mentor with the input from the ThM and PhD Committee. The mentor will guide the student through the whole program. The school makes arrangement for the location and dates of courses offered.
- After finishing the required 15 units, students may start preparing for the dissertation. The first step is submitting a 30-page dissertation proposal, which includes the topic, an outline, research motivation, methodology, literature review, and bibliography. Please refer to the template of dissertation proposal.
- After the mentor’s endorsement, students may start dissertation writing under the mentor’s guidance. Dissertation needs to have 40 to 60 thousand words in Chinese and be completed in one year, with extension if necessary.
- The completed dissertation is submitted for review by the evaluation group, which consists of the mentor and a professor from GETS.
- Dissertation grading:
- Excellent
- Good
- Pass
- Minor Revision: The dissertation needs to make minor revision and be submitted again within 3 months after the initial evaluation for review.
- Major Revision: The dissertation needs to make major revision and be submitted again within 6 months after the initial evaluation for review.
- Fail: Dissertation fails to pass evaluation, and the student receives “Certificate of ThM Study”.
- Students completed 24 units of ThM study with passing grade of B (GPA 3.0) or above but fail to enter into dissertation writing after the evaluation on students’ performance by the ThM and PhD committee. These students will receive a Certificate of ThM Study, which does not meet ATA accreditation requirement and does not qualify the students to teach MA level courses.
- Complete the process of program termination including the payment of termination fee of ¥1,200.
- Students are required to complete 30 semester unis of course work with a passing grade above B (GPA 3.0 and above).
- Pass the graduation dissertation.
- Complete the graduation process including the payment of graduation fee of ¥300.
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
The Master of Divinity program is a comprehensive graduate theological program covering a wide range of general and specialized subjects and is designed to provide a foundational level of professional training for those who have sensed a call to ministry from the Lord and have committed their lives to full-time service in local churches, missions, or para-church organizations. For students who want to pursue higher level of theological and practical studies programs, it is also the degree requirement for admission to Doctor of Ministry, Master of Theology, and Doctor of Philosophy programs.
Graduates from this program are expected to achieve the following:
1. To form well-shaped spiritual life and character.
2. To deepen understanding of God and to fully grasp advanced knowledge of biblical, theological, and church history studies with integral concept of ministry skills.
3. To discover and develop their God-given gifts, and to acquire and develop ability of ministering and leadership in order to serve professionally and practically and effectively in their ministry contexts.
1. A bachelor or higher degree from a four-year university or Bible college/seminary with a GPA of 2.7 (B- or 80%) or above
2. Born again and at least three years after baptism
3. A demonstration of maturity in personal and spiritual life, with two recommendations from church pastors or leaders
4. A copy of completed admission application form
5. A passing grade in GETS entrance tests of Bible knowledge and theological concepts
6. Passing interview
7. Proof of English proficiency: 450/45 (TOEFL iBT). Applicants with a bachelors or higher degree from an English institution are exempt from this requirement. GETS does not offer any English as Second Language (ESL) course.
8. Proof of Chinese proficiency for non-native Chinese applicants: fluent in written and spoken Chinese language to meet the requirements of serving in Chinese churches and communities
Students are required to complete 90 semester unis of course work as designed and arranged by the school. The passing grade point average is 2.7(B-) or above.
The program must be completed between 3 years to 7 years. In order to ensure a communal education experience, students shall be completed the degree on campus with at least 1 years for full-time study.
- Biblical Studies (27 units)
- Theological & Historical Studies (21 units)
- Biblical Languages (12 units)
- Practical Theology (30 units)
- Internship (0 units)
Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS)
- Master of Arts in Christian Leadership (MACL)
- Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAICS)
Direct Instruction
Degree program duration: minimum 2 years, maximum 7 years. In order to ensure a communal education experience, students shall spend at least one year on campus for full-time study.
Degree program duration: minimum 2 years, maximum 7 years. All instructions are conducted online.
The Master of Arts in Christian Studies program is designed to prepare students who have a calling from or a heart for the Lord to participate in full-time or part-time ministries in local churches, missions, or para-church organizations with a focus on certain professional ministry. This degree is designed for people who are exploring the possibility that they are gifted for and called to the service of God. The curriculum covers the basic areas of theology, biblical studies and ministry.
Graduates from this program are expected to achieve the following:
- To form strong spiritual life and character.
- To pursue understanding of God and attain basic knowledge of biblical theological studies with needed ministry skills.
- To discover and develop their God-given gifts, and to acquire and develop ability for serving in their specific contexts.
- A bachelors or higher degree from a four-year university or Bible college/seminary with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.7 (B- or 80%) or above
- Had been a Christian and baptized for at least two years
- Two recommendations from church pastors or leaders to demonstrate personal and spiritual maturity
- A copy of completed admission application form
- Passing the Seminary entrance tests of biblical and theological knowledge
- Passing the interview
- Proof of English proficiency: 450/45(TOEFL IBT). Applicants with a bachelors or higher degree from English speaking schools are exempt from this requirement. For purpose of determining English speaking schools, students who graduated from an academic institution where the primary language of instruction is English may submit an official copy of their transcript and diploma from their school for consideration of granting an exception. The Admissions Committee will make the final decision on whether or not the applicant is excused from taking a language exam.
- Proof of Chinese proficiency
- Level of proficiency required: students must be native Chinese speakers with Chinese as their first language.
- Documentation of proficiency: no document is required. The school will determine the applicant’s qualification during the interview.
- We do not offer or accept any Ability-to-benefit Exam.
Students are required to complete 60 semester units. The passing GPA is 2.7(B-) or above.
The minimum program duration is 2 years, and the maximum is 7 years. To ensure a communal education experience, students shall spend at least one year on campus for full-time study.
- Biblical Studies (24 units)
- Theological & Historical Studies (18 units)
- Practical Theology (15 units)
- Internship (0 units)
Bachelor of Theology (BTh)
- Progression
- 120 credits
- 4-6 years to complete
- Admission Qualification
- High school graduates or equivalence
(Note : Candidate with a four-year vocational school diploma is equivalent to high school diploma, and must complete the total required credits.)
- Graduates of vocational college may reduce the study credits
(Note: Candidates with a two-year college degree can only receive a Bachelor's degree upon completion of 60 credits. Candidates with a five-year vocational school diploma will follow the same criteria as candidates with a two-year college degree)
- Been baptized for at least two years with active participation in ministry, and is Willing to be equipped to better serve in ministry
- High school graduates or equivalence
- Special Cases
- Candidates with a high school diploma, if for any reason cannot continue with the program, upon completion of 60 credits will receive an Associate Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree. The candidate must complete another 60 credits within credit effective period in order to receive a degree in B.Th.
- Candidates with a four-year vocational school diploma, if for any reason cannot continue with the program, upon completion of 60 credits will receive an Associate Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree. The candidate must complete another 30 credits within credit effective period in order to receive a degree in B.Th.
Degree Course Content (120 Units) Biblical Studies (48 units) Church History & Theology (12 units) Languages (6 units) Practical Theology (33 units) Field Education (0 units) General Education (21 units)
Associate of Arts in Theology (AATh)
- Progression
- 60 credits
- 2-3 years to complete
- Admission Qualification
- High School graduate or equivalence.
- Been converted and baptized for at least two years with active participation in ministry.
- Willing to be equipped to better serve in ministry.
- Remarks
- Please refer to the criteria in B.Th. degree.
- Degree Course Content (60 Units)
- Biblical Studies (24 units)
- Church History & Theology (21 units)
- Practical Theology (15 units)
- Field Education (0 units)
Diploma of Pastoral Studies (DPS)
- Progression
- 42 credits
- 3 years to complete
- Admission Qualification
- No academic requirements. Must be baptized for at least two years.
- Degree Course Content (42 Units)
- Biblical Studies (21 units)
- Church History & Theology (12 units)
- Practical Theology (9 units)
- Field Education (0 units)
Certificate of Christian Studies (CCS)
- Progression
- 30 credits
- 3 years to complete
- Admission Qualification
- No academic requirements. Must be baptized for at least two years.